EDCI 337

Blog Post #2 – How AR Can Help Education

I made it with Canva

As a multimedia application tool, AR is now very popular in our lives. For example, many games will use AR as a creative material. In the same way, it can also be a teaching aid tool for teachers.

From the above video, we can easily and clearly understand how AR is brought into learning. First of all, AR can help students better restore the real scene. Whenever students open the book, all they see are simple pictures, and some students even only read the text and ignore the illustrations in the book. AR can change this phenomenon. For example, the teacher in the video can achieve a 360-degree surround visual effect by scanning the pattern in the book with a mobile phone, and make a flat earth into a 3D version. Such supplementary teaching can help students better understand the scenes in the pictures on the one hand, and on the other hand can also increase students’ interest in learning.

AR applications can not only help teachers teach knowledge, but also play a role in communication. For example, the AR virtual classroom mentioned in the video, I think it may be very helpful especially during the COVID-19 period. Because of the impact of COVID-19, students are basically studying alone at home and facing the computer, and this AR virtual classroom can make students feel like they are in the classroom and attending classes with everyone. So in general, no matter from which aspect, I think AR is very helpful for education.


AUGTHAT! Augmented Reality in Education(2015, May 15). How easy it is to use augmented reality in your classroom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyjKxRfq0y0

EON Reality. (2019, May). WHAT WILL THE CLASSROOM OF 2030 LOOK LIKE FOR THE STUDENT OF THE FUTURE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_-GCrw24ic

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